Found in Translation
is a set of two video essays on praxis

In this project, we do not claim the position of experts! Rather our intention is to articulate questions that we think are important to be addressed and investigated collectively as a community of practitioners, scholars, students, teachers and others interested in overcoming the theory-practice divide.

Who is it for?
This project is for anyone who wants to engage in a collective conversation around theory and practice in dance. The video essays are a starting point for these conversations.

 How will it help?
Having critical conversations around, and about, our practice is important. Some conversations happen with friends, some conversations happen in your head! This is an opportunity for a conversation that can happen in a community of practitioners so that we can hear from and be heard by each other. 

 Why this?
These video essays offer a context, vocabulary and a way of engagement that is participatory, critical and generative.